Being left to my own devices
All I have is these I’s
Phones, pads, watches
Sanitary pads for the blood
The hemorrhage of faces
Of books of ads of fads
Driving all of us mad
We OD and get ADHD
Connection is abrasion
We burn our nerve endings
Too much cohesion coercion
Too much stimulation
Minds and sense burnt
IQs lowered from birth
Because babies too
Get their personal i’s
iBabies iNannies iCandies
Instantly on the gram
Prebirth on the big scam
Pregnant scans of EKGs
Floating on the web like little me’s
Fetus roaming on the internet
Born just for a programmed death
Did you ask the baby
Before you put her picture up?
I would’ve said no to having
A picture of my first erection
Put on the web to be seen by whom?
Let me masturbate in the womb
There’s just no peace left
Prebirth I’m already possessed
My copyright belongs to some Mark
Some Harvard dropout who owns
The rights to my image and stores it
Maybe one day they’ll be worth millions
The pictures of my baby erections